Learn in this one day workshop how to navigate and apply the Voluntary CSRD Reporting Requirements. And how to use it as a strategic advantage.
Find included the blog we wrote with the outcome of the webinar and discussions we had during this session. This blog gives you insights on why we are so busy with compliance and why we should not forget to focus on the the original purpose of the broader goal of the CSRD: driving the transition to a sustainable future and how to do so.
Many companies are deeply involved with the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). Dubble Materiality Assessment (DMA), gap analysis, data collection, data integrity, meetings with accountants, ESRS, report structures... We're so busy with these tasks that we sometimes forget the original purpose of the CSRD: Behavior Change.
Many companies are currently conducting their double materiality assessment. Have you done so already? And what are the next steps you need to take once the double materiality assessment has been completed?
Nicolette Loonen and Ulrike de Jong jointly conduct the session diving deeper into the double materiality assessment and the practical processes it entails for organizations. What is the value chain you consider and where does it start and end? Also, consider how stakeholder consultation is organized to determine the double materiality.
Finally, the final version of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are available. Today, on the 31 of July 2023, the European Commission adopted the Delegated Act on the first set of the ESRS standards. Read all details in this blog.
A value creation model illustrates a company's impact on people and the environment, using its value chain. A value creation model lets you see, at a glance, the value an organisation is creating, maintaining or impairing.
Double materiality analysis plays a key role in the requirements of the new European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The analysis identifies the sustainability issues that are relevant (i.e. material) to your company, and therefore must be included in its annual report.
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is new EU legislation that requires large companies to report on sustainability. The directive aims to ensure greater transparency, improve the quality of sustainability information, and enable better comparison of the information provided by companies.
The more facts the greater the resistance - Per Espen Stoknes. Over the past weeks, not a day has gone by without news items about climate change. Many of them had a doom and gloom header, such as: “The shocking number behind the Lake Mead drought crisis”; “The pandemic was the one chance we had”; “
A sustainability strategy, or a sustainable strategy? That’s the question.
Those who have studied the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in any depth will not have missed the concept of 'double materiality'. Not just a new buzzword, the concept was already included in the current corporate sustainability directive, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD).
Sustainable Development is one of the greatest challenges of our time. As a company, you might have formulated your sustainable ambitions, or you are currently in the process of doing that. Once you have formulated ambitions, however, it proves to be challenging to determine how to turn this ambition into realisation
We believe it’s time to take the next step in sustainability reporting. We are thrilled to announce that we are joining forces together with r3.0 and UNRISD in a groundbreaking initiative: “Thresholds of Transformation – Sustainable Development Performance Indicators Pilot Testing”.
Is your company ready to report on its human rights management or are you trying to figure out where to get started? In our masterclass on October 29 from 10.00 – 12.00 we will guide you through the UNGP Reporting Framework and the basics of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) human rights due diligence process.
Today is the SDG Action Day. The theme of the 2020 edition is all about ‘starting the decade of transformation’ which is desperately needed to really achieve the targets of the SDGs in 2030. With only 10 more years to go we are currently not on track…we need to step up! A lot of effort has been undertaken since the introduction of the SDGs
As an advocation partner of R3.0 we were looking forward to the annual conference, and to be honest we weren't disappointed. In this blog we share a few insights that we gained.
For many, the reality of the existential crises our world faces hit home with COVID-19. We are at a point of no return. The decisions we make now to recover from the pandemic will shape our world for the next generations.
Today, the GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey was launched. The survey shows that companies need to accelerate their transitions to new business models that deliver long-term value, and to find new ways to anticipate and tackle complex risks
This week we participated in one of the round tables that is part of the 90 day consultation period of the revision of the Integrated Reporting Framework. The proposed revisions are grouped into 3 main topics: 1) responsibility for an integrated report, 2) business model considerations and 3) charting a path forward.
Sustainability has become an increasingly integral part of doing business in any industry. As organizations work through these changes, business leaders are starting to recognize that organizational culture plays a fundamental part in the shift toward sustainability.
The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) is calling on businesses not to use any misleading claims. ACM will step up its enforcement efforts regarding these practices. We can help you to make effective & trustworthy environmental claims!