Human Rights


For many, the reality of the existential crises our world faces hit home with COVID-19. We are at a point of no return. The decisions we make now to recover from the pandemic will shape our world for the next generations. This means that we must tackle climate change and aim for a net-zero carbon future while focusing on avoiding human rights violations.  However, whereas there seems to be a sense of urgency on climate change, attention for human rights stays behind, as the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (2019) shows. This means that companies should rapidly embed human rights due diligence that properly responds to the salient risks their industries pose to people.


In 2008, on completion of his first three-year mandate, Harvard professor John Ruggie presented the United Nations Human Rights Council with the ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ framework as a conceptual way to anchor the debate. In March 2011, Ruggie issued ‘Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’, implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy' Framework. Although this framework was launched 12 years ago, many companies still struggle to fully align with these principles.


Is your company ready to adres human rights management or are you trying to figure out where to get started? In our online masterclass on the 29th of October we will guide you through the UNGP Reporting Framework and the basics of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) human rights due diligence process.

Please sign up here. For more information please reach out to our Partner:

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